Saturday, June 30, 2018

What is C And Development of C

     what is c ?

C is the programming language developed at AT & T's Bell laboratories of USA in 1972. it was designed and written by a Dennis Ritche. In the late seventies C began to replace the more familiar languages of that time like PL/U,ALGOLetc. without any advertisement c's reputation spread and its  pool of users grew. Ritchie seems to have been rather surprised that so many programmer preferred c to older language like FORTRAN or PL/I or newer ones like Pascal and APL. but that what happened 

possibly why C seems so popular is because it is reliable, simple and easy to use.out of the dozen of language available, the price of purity is other given to the Pascal C's pretty sister. C wasn't meant to win prize it was meant to be friendly capable and reliable. therefore quit a few programmer who begin in love with Pascal end up happily married to C 



  By in 1960 a hoarde of computer language had come into existence almost each for a specific purpose. for example COBOL was being used for commercial application FORTAN  for the engineering and scientific application and so on. at this stage people starting thinking that insted of learning and using so many language each for a different purpose why not use only one language which program all possible application therefore an international committee came out with a language called ALGOL60, however ALOGOL 60 never really became popular because it seemed too abstract too general to reduce thise abstrat a new language called combined programming language was developed at  cambridge university.  however CPL turned out to be so big having so many features that it was hard to learn difficult to implement

Basic combined programming language was developed ( BCPL ) by Martin Richards at cambridge university to solve the problem by CPL but unfotunately it turn out to be very specific 

C compactness and  coherence is manly due to the fact that its a one man language C is often called a middle level language since it was desiged to both have good programming efficiency and relatively good machine efficiency      


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